Doctor Stephanie Bridwell
Free Frequency Energy Download

Wellness requires courage, follow through, and desire.
It is not always about feeling better. It is about better feeling. A ‘quick fix’ is an illusion. If the short cut was the real it would be the way.
We believe slowing down, unraveling distortions and defense patterns from the nervous system allows the truth of the body to emerge.
Often the start of a healing journey with us is one of deconstruction. We give a map to gateways where ease and health can be accessed throughout the nervous system and connective tissue tensegrity matrix.
With those safety anchors in place we begin to strip away the energetics that are not coherent with ones essence. Later in care we support the nervous system grow toward its coherently aligned life.
This leads us to work with the heart & soul as higher order influencers of one’s life.
The spine, and nervous system, is the primary modulator of energetics between the depth of the human and the expansiveness of the quantum field.
Work With Me

Temple of Frequency
This Temple is devoted to the embodiment of frequency. Here you will leave your defense patterns, false self, cover ups, victim consciousness at the threshold. This temple will wash you clean of distortion. Feminine energetics, truth, and magic are alive here alchemizing our journey.
I've sensitized, clarified, and aligned my system for three decades consciously.
I can feel where in the field the energetic body is challenged. I can also access where there is potential energy reviving to surge and wake up to new sight ability and knowing. I tune the energetics of my clients business, body, relationships, and life. Like a compass of precision.
It's not a skill set you can go to school for. In fact this is the result of unlearning. Keen study. Absolute devotion to presence. Slowing down. Breathing strategically through discomfort until it strengthens me. Listening with every sense and giving my self to the unseen that precedes the seen. In ways where I can easily show hidden wisdom to my clients.
The central nervous system upgrades and the brain flushes everyone associated with the frequency of alignment with biochemistry that feels so alive. Effervescent really.
Do you feel the desire to experience this level of effervescence? To be aligned energetically and see the unseen and use it as a bridge into new realities? My Effervescence container is opening March 1st and there will be some extra teachings being added as we ramp into the container.

Work with Dr. Stephanie 1:1
Personalized one on one mentoring for coaches on the energetics of their business + body, with a deepest truth to serve.
High level energetic strategy sessions. Up to 90 minutes for $3333 + 3 months of Effervescence.
Network Spinal
Network Spinal is a holistic technique focusing on analyzing spinal cord tension patterns found in a person's spine due to acute and chronic stresses. The application is a series of gentle precise contacts on the spine that stimulates the nervous system to up level in coherence. Allowing the body to self-regulate and dissipate tension. Network Spinal creates two healing waves through the spine that promote self-healing, release of old behaviors/patterns, and replaces them with more optimal strategies for optimal living. This is not spinal manipulation.
The field you are creating in greatly affects the resonance, clarity, and power of what is. We create with our lives. The place and community is chosen perfectly.
Pause. Breath. Soften. Love
Because I Know Her. I Feel Her. I Was Her. And I struggled for so long to find my way. Now I give her a bridge because I would have loved to have that bridge when I was her.
A Body Centered Adventure to Support the Divine Feminine in a New World
The Divine Feminine within us all is being beckoned, more than ever, to usher in this new age – and we are excited to share the strategies of being fierce, feminine and free with fellow change agents on this journey.
You’re in the right place if….
You’ve been overwhelmed and exhausted by what’s expected of you in life and what’s happening in the world. You just want to relax, know and do what you are meant for, have your success come from being guided. Have a relationship that matches your awesomeness - not the person you’ve become, but the one you really are when all the pressure is lifted.
You are constantly giving, giving, giving and receiving nothing but leftover crumbs in return.
You know you are capable of so much more, but you don’t know how or where to start.
You’ve had enough and are ready for MORE of what you truly WANT! More love, more passion, more joy, more creativity! MORE, MORE, MORE!
Well, I hear you! And I am here to help!

Experience MORE
Dr. Stephanie offers regular experiential opportunities in the form of Workshops, Retreats, and Energetic Sessions. Click the link below for a full calendar and scheduling.